
Ecole maternelle

Au Petit Poucet, nous préparons les enfants à l’école primaire en intégrant les forces du Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) et du curriculum français. Cette approche combinée garantit que les enfants reçoivent une éducation complète qui favorise leur développement intellectuel, social, émotionnel et physique.

A Comprehensive Approach to Bilingual Learning

Advantages of the French Curriculum for Early Education

The French curriculum offers a structured and rigorous foundation for early education, focusing on five key areas mobilizing language in all its dimensions:
physical expression and understanding, artistic engagement, foundational math skills, and exploration of the world. Each day integrates these components to foster holistic child development. The curriculum prioritizes proficiency in the French language while introducing English, setting the stage for effective bilingual education. Additionally, it incorporates cultural education, immersing children in French culture and values, enhancing their global awareness.

3to6 advantage

Our curriculum is tailored for the below age groups

Curriculum General

Class Age group Curriculum
Babies under 18 months of age french program
Toddlers 18 months to less than 3 years of age French program
Pre-school / petite section / Foundation Stage 1 3 -4 years of age French curriculum
Foundation Stage 2 / KG1 / Moyenne section 4-5 years of age 50/50 bilingual
French Curriculum
& EYFE (British Curriculum)
Year 1/ KG1 / grande section 5-6 years of age 50/50 bilingual
French Curriculum
& British Curriculum

Un savant équilibre entre curriculum Français et Anglais

Une Semaine Au Petit Poucet

Une semaine Au Petit Poucet alterne entre enseignement en français et en anglais. Les jours français couvrent langage, expression physique et artistique, mathématiques et exploration du monde. Les jours anglais suivent le EYFS, axés sur la communication et le développement socio-émotionnel. Activités : jeux de rôle, exercices verbaux, et développement moteur, pour renforcer la confiance et l'interaction sociale. Cet équilibre favorise l'immersion bilingue et les compétences pour l'école primaire.

home teaching approach

Un environnement adapté à leurs besoins

Stimuler pour favoriser leur développement

Au Petit Poucet, nos installations pour les enfants de 3 à 6 ans sont spécifiquement conçues pour répondre à leurs besoins de développement, offrant un environnement stimulant et sécurisé où ils peuvent s’épanouir.

At Le Petit Poucet, our facilities for children aged 3-6 are specifically designed to cater to their developmental needs, providing a stimulating and safe environment where they can thrive.

  • Splash Area:

Our splash area is a specially designed outdoor space where children can engage in water play. This area not only offers fun but also supports the development of motor skills and sensory experiences. Water play encourages children to explore textures, temperatures, and movement, all of which are crucial for sensory development.

  • Gymnasium:

Our gymnasium is a spacious indoor area equipped with age-appropriate equipment that encourages physical activity and the development of gross motor skills. It is designed to host a variety of physical activities, from gymnastics and dance to structured play that promotes coordination, strength, and balance. The gymnasium provides a safe and controlled environment where children can explore movement and exercise.

  • Classroom Design:

Classrooms for the 3-6 age group are thoughtfully arranged to create an inviting and educational environment. Each classroom is divided into distinct areas that cater to different types of activities. There are designated spaces for group learning, creative arts, reading, and interactive play. The layout is designed to support a child’s natural curiosity and need for movement, with easy access to materials that encourage exploration and independent learning. The classrooms are bright, airy, and filled with natural light, creating a welcoming atmosphere that enhances focus and engagement.

Foundation Stage

Espace Splash :

Our splash area is a specially designed outdoor space where children can engage in water play. This area not only offers fun but also supports the development of motor skills and sensory experiences. Water play encourages children to explore textures, temperatures, and movement, all of which are crucial for sensory development.

3to6 Splash
3to6 Gymnasium

Gymnase :

Notre gymnase est un espace intérieur spacieux, équipé de matériel adapté à l’âge des enfants, qui encourage l’activité physique et le développement des compétences motrices globales. Il est conçu pour accueillir une variété d’activités physiques, telles que la gymnastique, la danse et des jeux structurés qui favorisent la coordination, la force et l’équilibre. Le gymnase offre un environnement sûr et contrôlé où les enfants peuvent explorer le mouvement et l’exercice.

Conception des Salles de Classe :

Les salles de classe pour les enfants de 3 à 6 ans sont soigneusement aménagées pour créer un environnement accueillant et éducatif. Chaque salle de classe est divisée en zones distinctes dédiées à différents types d’activités. Il y a des espaces réservés à l’apprentissage en groupe, aux arts créatifs, à la lecture et au jeu interactif. La disposition est conçue pour soutenir la curiosité naturelle de l’enfant et son besoin de mouvement, avec un accès facile aux matériaux qui encouragent l’exploration et l’apprentissage autonome. Les salles de classe sont lumineuses, aérées et baignées de lumière naturelle, créant une atmosphère accueillante qui favorise la concentration et l’engagement.

Transition to Primary school : An Optimal Preparation

At Le Petit Poucet, we ensure a smooth transition for children to French curriculum schools or IB programs. Through our rigorous program, which incorporates the expectations of the French National Education system and the IB EYFS curriculum, each child gains the essential linguistic, social, and academic skills needed. Our partnerships with the best French schools in Dubai ensure the continuity of high-quality education.

The Bilingual Program in Le Petit Poucet Kindergarten

The bilingual classes in Le Petit Poucet are our signature classes and they start from the age of 4 years to 6 years. Parents can choose between French only classes or 50/50 bilingual classes:

  • KG1 / FS2 / MS / 4-5 Years
  • KG2 / Year 1 / GS / 5-6 Years

Children can learn two or more languages during childhood without any problems. And that in fact, it is much easier to learn language in the early years. The following are some variables that impact bilingual development that parents should keep in mind:

  • Babies learn at their own individual pace. So your child may develop his/her language skills at a different rate than a monolingual child and it may have nothing to do with the fact that she is learning two languages at once.
  • A key variable for bilingual acquisition is consistency in how children are exposed to the two languages throughout their early childhood. You can choose to provide a consistency in a variety of ways. For example, one adult should speak one language. Or, your family may speak only French in the home and English outside the home.
  • So delight in the joy of hearing your child explore and master two languages. When they’re older, they’ll be able to tell you Thanks…and also Merci!
  • Be aware that your child’s vocabulary in each language may be different than that of a monolingual child. Children learning two languages simultaneously may have smaller vocabularies in one or both languages, compared to children learning only one language. Don’t worry about language-mixing. When children start to use both languages in the same sentence, parents may wonder if they are getting confused by the exposure to and use of two languages. Actually, this combined usage is a very normal stage in bilingual language development. Rest assured, over time and with experience, your child will begin to sort the two languages out on her own.
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Our Services

Reliable and flexible to fit your demands

From well-balanced meals, daycare, bus services, after-schools activities, we provide attentive, comprehensive and convenient services designed to support and enhance the busy lives of parents ensuring peace of mind and exceptional care for your children.



Bus service

The bus service (optional) is provided by a professional outsourced transport company.

Meal service

We offer a balanced lunch service (optional) every day.

After School

Le Petit Poucet offers extracurricular activities from Monday to Friday.

Afternoon French classes

We offer French classes every day in the afternoon (depending on availability). Open to all children!


The LPP uniform (shorts and T-shirt) is mandatory for all children over 18 months.

Talent Academy

It offers targeted physical and sports activities to develop the potential of each child.


Transition vers la Primaire

Une Préparation Optimale

Au Petit Poucet, nous préparons les enfants à une transition en douceur vers les écoles du cursus français ou du programme IB. Grâce à notre programme rigoureux, basé à la fois sur les attentes de l’Éducation Nationale française et le curriculum IB EYFS, chaque enfant acquiert les compétences linguistiques, sociales et académiques essentielles pour réussir en primaire. Nos partenariats avec les meilleures écoles françaises à Dubaï vous assure la continuité d’un enseignement de qualité.

3to6 transition to primary

Experts say

Restez connectés avec l'application Parents

En lien avec votre enfant tout au long de la journée

Au Petit Poucet, nous savons combien il est essentiel pour les parents de rester connectés avec leurs tout-petits toute la journée. Notre application parentale offre des mises à jour en temps réel sur les activités, les repas, les siestes et les moments clés de votre bébé, vous garantissant d’être toujours informé.
Recevez des photos, vidéos et messages directement de notre équipe, vous apportant tranquillité d’esprit et un aperçu sur la journée de votre enfant. Que vous soyez au travail ou en déplacement, notre application vous permet de suivre les expériences de votre enfant, renforçant votre lien et vous assurant de ne rien manquer.

Parent app